free resources for business owners

Connection without overwhelm

One of the things we endeavour to do for our audience is simplify social media.  We know how overwhelming all the tools and rules and best practices can be.

But it’s not just social media.  Running a business can be overwhelming.  Launching products, making sales, creating partnerships, etc. That’s why we’re excited to join twelve other leaders and entrepreneurs who really understand these ideas in a free telesummit called Connection Without Overwhelm. All of the guest experts in this series embody “Online Empowerment” in different ways and are thrilled to share their stories, their strategies, and systems for online and offline success with you. 

Lara will be talking about keeping social media simple on October 16 at 2pm, and there will be a session at 10am and 2pm EST Tuesday-Thursday the week of the 14th and of the 21st.  There are 12 sessions in all and they will be a great resource for small business owners.

Please register for Connection Without Overwhelm and discover how you can build relationships, do work that matters, and find balance online. The sessions are live October 15 through 24. You’ll receive all of the recordings (and some bonuses) when you sign up at:

Hope to see you there!